Let us handle the shipping of your prints and frames directly to your customers with our free drop shipping service. Your orders will appear as if they were produced and shipped by you. There's no extra cost for this option, and it can be set to automatic or selected by simply checking the drop ship box at checkout.
There is no cost to use our order fulfillment services.
Daily Order Avg Requirements
This can be re-evaluated over a 3 month periord or based on an organizations potential (existing customer base or demand).
Automatic Dropshipping
Check a box at checkout or create a business profile in your account, to automatically have orders drop shipped.
Order Online
Use of website's online ordering system.
Import Orders
Submit your Shopify, Etsy, Squarespace or orders from an Excel spreadsheet.
Hide Prices
Rather than include a copy of the receipt, we will provide a packing slip that simply states the products ordered without prices or mention of us.
Custom Branding
Upload a logo to your account (business profile) and we will print that on the packing slip and on a label that goes outside of the shipping package.
Order History
Orders you submit are automatially added to your account's order history.
Priority Fulfillment
Special considerations are taken in the order processing. This means, when permitted, and dependent on the type of product, we will attempt to process your orders before other orders.
Special Pricing
Get lower pricing based on things like quantity, order frequency and product choices.
Package Inserts
Flyers, cards, or brochures can be supplied and included with the orders that are shipped out.
Special Packaging
Orders can be shipped in packages or boxes exclusive to your business. These could include special internal packaging, boxes with your company logo or even the use of branded tape.
Additional Product Options
Other types of printing, printed products, or specific fine art media not not listed on our website.
How it Works
At checkout, choose the drop ship box on the last screen after your enter your shipping destination.
Or, if you are registered user, you can save your business profile and upload the logo you want us to use on your shipping labels and packing slips. That's it! The order is received at your customer's location within 5 to 10 working days and it looks like you sent it.
If you use one of our order import apps for Shopify, Etsy, Squarespace, etc, dropshipping is automatic.
- Packing slip can have your name or company name.
- Registered users can have their logo printed on the packing slip.
- Shipping label on package displays your name or company name.
- FinerWorks remains unknown to your customer unless you tell them.
Who Outsources to Us?
- Artists selling their prints online or offline
- Photographers of all shapes and sizes
- Etsy sellers
- Online galleries
- Traditional offline galleries
- Other printing and photo labs
- Picture framers
- Online & offline retailers
Dropshipping Made Easy
Dropshipping services for artists at FinerWorks allows artists, photographers, galleries and printers to have prints sent directly to their own customer as if sent directly from them.
Why EZCanvas?
Many around the U.S. have and are now using us and our parent company FinerWorks.com as their printing solution for canvas, giclee prints, photo prints, frames and more due to the competitive pricing and professional services.
Who is using EZCanvas?
- Artists
- Photographers
- Small Photo labs
- Ebayers
- Online Galleries
- Offline Galleries
- Printing Web Sites
- Printing Companies
- Online Stores
- Framers
- Traditional Retail Stores
- Packing slip can have your name or company name.
- Registered users can have their logo printed on the packing slip.
- Shipping label on package displays your name or company name.
- EZCanvas remains unknown to your customer unless you tell them.*
Start Your Dropship Order
*Be aware if having us ship outside the U.S. or to APOs, customs forms and shipping labels may need to include some of our information.
No special account needed to start since drop shipping is built into our online ordering system, however if you require further assistance, or are not a regular user but need to submit a large batch of orders, we can help.